Tackling Climate Change

Republic of the Marshall Islands

ID supports the Marshall Islands and coordinates the work of the High Ambition Coalition in the fight against climate change.

For over fifteen years, ID has supported the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) to achieve maximum impact in the complex and labyrinthine international negotiations on climate change. With ID’s support, RMI has become a leading voice in climate diplomacy, with the negotiating skill and moral authority to achieve influence far beyond its size. Working in partnership with ID, RMI created and leads the High Ambition Coalition (HAC) of countries that helped deliver key elements of the 2016 Paris Agreement – the 1.5C temperature goal, and mandating improved emissions targets every five years. In subsequent years, RMI has been central to securing commitments to double the adaptation finance mobilized by Global North governments to the Global South, generating momentum for all countries to transition away from fossil fuels, and to delivering the initial capitalization of the Loss and Damage Fund. ID also supports RMI in a range of other forums and focus areas — from reducing shipping emissions in the International Maritime Organization (IMO), to pursuing climate justice at the UN Human Rights Council, to reforming the broad climate finance architecture.